Freedom. Respect. Tolerance. ...... Why did we create this message?

After nearly four years of walking the dogs, every day, past the "Hate Has No Home Here" signs, I couldn't take it any more. 

The virtue signaling of these signs is mildly irritating, but my bigger problem is that many of the so-called progressives who have these signs look down on, or actively despise, people with different views (you know, those "deplorables" etc.). I've experienced this at my kids schools, at discussions over dinner etc., etc.. Maybe, just maybe, there is some hate behind the signs after all?

More concerning though is the accelerating trend towards censorship and the silencing of those with viewpoints not aligned with the progressive agenda.  Social media use, and many politicians unfortunately, are also fueling intolerance and aiding and abetting in the rise of "mob rule". 

So, along with some close friends, I felt it was important to take a stand. "Freedom. Respect. Tolerance"  is an attempt to put out a positive message in support of values that we believe are critical to a functioning civil society.

Do yard signs change the world? Probably not.  But ideas do, and we should stand up for those we believe in. If you believe in these values, you should take a stand too.