Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. 

Do the "Hate Has No Home Here" signs irritate you? consider an alternative.

Nice virtue signaling, but what are you really thinking?

The message, in itself, appears to be fine. But unfortunately many so-called progressives have no respect for, or actively hate, those with different points of view and, increasingly, do not tolerate dissent. 

The road to totalitarianism starts with the silencing of opposition. 

Freedom. Respect. Tolerance.

An alternative and positive message. 

Do yard signs change the world? Probably not.  But ideas do, and we should stand up for those we believe in. 

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Stand up for values that are essential for a functioning civil society.

This country may not be perfect, but it is pretty darn good, and its ideals should be defended. 

While there is extremism on both sides, the trend for so-called progressives to shut down discussion, demonize the country and opponents (e.g. as racists, deplorables etc) and shame / cancel individuals needs to be fought against.


Of speech. 

Of thought.

Of expression. 

Of religion.

Of information. 


For country. 

For flag. 

For the rule of law.

For law enforcement officers / first responders. 

For others.


Of different viewpoints.

Of others. 

Of mistakes (we are all human....). 

All that is required for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing.“   

Attributed to Edmund Burke